Weekly English Courses

Weekly English Courses

Weekly english

Weekly english

One step at a time is the best and easiest way for busy people to learn English. We know the demands of a job and the challenge that time management can imply therefore we offer a simple, consistent but effective solution.

Our goal is to make sure you learn making it fun and giving you a sense of accomplishment after every class. As your knowledge increases so will your confidence giving you a firm foundation for those important conversations with colleagues, customers and suppliers.

We offer a free consultation before your course to assess knowledge of English and discuss objectives. Both one-on-one class or group classes are available. The course will be tailored to meet your needs there will be both specific terminology and general English incorporated.

A qualified Native English teacher comes to you so you learn in the workplace wasting no time traveling. We adapt your class to a time and days that best suit your working hours (morning, afternoon, evening). This course takes place twice a week 1.5 hours each time.

For further information about prices, schedules or other information do not hesitate to contact us, fill out the form below or call us, we will be happy to chat with you and resolve all your doubts and questions.

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